Traditional Acupunture

How Does Acupuncture Work?

A lot of research has been completed over the years to investigate how acupuncture is able to do the wonderful things it does.  The main areas of research are in relation to acupuncture’s effect on relieving pain and inflammation.

 It has been shown that the stimulation of an acupuncture needle sends a signal to the brain and brain stem triggering a number of interactions within the brain stem known as the “mesolimbic loop of acupuncture analgesia”.  This interaction involves a number of processes and the release of serotonin, dopamine, noradrenalin and endogenous opiods that then trigger further signals resulting in the pain relieving effect.

Substance P is a just one of the many pro-inflammatory neuropeptide that promotes vasodilation and the leakage of fluids resulting in inflammation.  There is a complex system involved in inflammation and acupuncture has been shown to have anti-inflammatory actions to numerous inflammatory conditions including allergic rhinitis.  In a research paper by JL McDonald (2016) it was shown that Substance P decreased by 77.8% within 24 hours of the first acupuncture treatment for allergic rhinitis.

How many treatments will i need?

For an acupuncture treatment to be successful you need to come often enough and long enough for effects of acupuncture to create a change.  The number of treatments required by an individual can vary depending on the condition and their constitution.  A chronic problem (longer than 6 months) will require more treatment then an acute problem and you may also require regular maintenance to continue to assist with the condition.  Some patients will see an improvement immediately, while others may not see any effect until after 4 to 6 sessions.  Occasionally a patient will experience a worsening of symptoms for a small period of time, but this is usually followed by a quick improvement as the body’s energies return to normal.

Your Initial Consult

For an acupuncture treatment to be successful you need to come often enough and long enough for effects of acupuncture to create a change.  The number of treatments required by an individual can vary depending on the condition and their constitution.  A chronic problem (longer than 6 months) will require more treatment then an acute problem and you may also require regular maintenance to continue to assist with the condition.  Some patients will see an improvement immediately, while others may not see any effect until after 4 to 6 sessions.  Occasionally a patient will experience a worsening of symptoms for a small period of time, but this is usually followed by a quick improvement as the body’s energies return to normal.

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